Our Purpose 
Our Vision
An Orthodox Christ-centred parish for one and all that fosters spiritual growth, missions and outreach.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to be an Orthodox Christian Community which ministers and exemplifies God's Word for the peace and salvation of all. We fulfill this mission by learning our Faith and growing closer to God and each other through Worship, Stewardship, Education, Fellowship and Outreach.
St. Anthony's diverse congregation is one of our greatest attributes. The Parish's inclusive nature has attracted many members whose mother tongue is not Ukrainian. One of our strengths is the cohesiveness of our culturally and ethnically mixed congregation, especially given the wide range of ages in our membership. With this strong diversity and the attractiveness of Orthodoxy in a warm and welcoming atmosphere, our Parish continues to grow both spiritually and in membership.
An Invitation!
We invite you to worship with us! The Parish has a wonderful Greeting Ministry and we strive to make our visitors feel welcome. Since visiting a new parish can be confusing, St. Anthony's also has Companions to assist you with our service book and answer any questions you may have. We are confident that you will feel the spirituality in our warm, family environment! Volunteers provide a complimentary luncheon after the service most Sundays. We welcome the opportunity to share a meal and some fellowship with you! Our members look forward to having you join our family and the transformation which we all seek in Christ our God.
St. Anthony of Kyiv
Anthony of Kyiv (of Pecherska Lavra) was born about A.D. 983 near Chernihiv, Ukraine (died in Kyiv in 1073). In his youth he felt the call to a monastic life. So he went to the Greek Orthodox Monastery of Esphigmenon in Athos, Greece. There, he accepted monasticism under the name of Anthony (his Christian name was Antyp).
After a few years in the monastery, on the advice of the abbot. he returned to Ukraine "in order to be of benefit and support to many people". In Kyiv he eventually established the Monastery of the Caves (Pecherska Lavra). "Anthony's institution exerted a wide influence on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and later evolved into the 'community life' ideal out of which some 50 monks became bishops by the year 1250." (Encyclopedia Britannica m, Vol. 1, p. 411)