Parish Priest
Rev. Fr. Dr. Timothy Chrapko

Fr. Dr. Timothy Chrapko was born on December 9, 1979 in Edmonton Alberta. He grew up in Calmar, Alberta. Fr. Dr. Timothy holds a B.Th (Cum Laude) from St. Andrew's College in Winnipeg, a Master of Theological Studies (Cum Laude) from Newman Theological College in Edmonton, and his Doctorate of Ministry from St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, NY. His Doctoral work is entitled: "Heavenly Things for Earthly, Eternal for Temporal: Experiencing the Divine Liturgy"—a proposed methodology for a modern mystagogy (i.e., interpretation of mystery) of the Byzantine anaphora of St. Basil the Great.
Fr. Dr. Timothy is a dedicated Liturgical Theologian, with a particular interest in studying The Anaphora. He is also interested in Baptismal ecclesiology and applying the teachings of the Patristic Fathers to our times. Fr. Dr. Timothy currently serves as the parish priest of St. Anthony's Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Edmonton, Alberta, as well as the Priest in Charge of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Red Deer, Alberta. Fr. Dr. Timothy is a professor of Systematic Theology at St. Andrew's College in Winnipeg.
Following his Ordination in 2008, Fr. Dr. Timothy was assigned as the associate priest at St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Calgary, Alberta. Through this assignment he was the Priest in Charge of the Mission in Red Deer, Alberta. After 11 years in Calgary, Fr. Dr. Timothy was transferred to St. Anthony's in Edmonton. In addition to serving the community of St. Anthony's, Fr. Dr. Timothy remains as the priest in charge of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Red Deer, AB, which he serves along with V. Rev. Archpriest Stephen Keaschuk and V. Rev. Archpriest Cornell Zubritsky.
Fr. Dr. Timothy has been married to his loving and supportive wife Julie since 2006 and has two wonderful daughters, Annie and Elena.
Please contact the parish office at 780-487-2167 or e-mail Fr. Timothy Chrapko (See Contact Us page)
If you require a priest for an emergency, please contact Fr. Timothy directly at 780-818-4175
Associate Parish Priest
Rev. Fr. Stephen Keaschuk
Having been raised in the Church with a love for its services, at one point he felt a calling from Christ to missionary work in East Africa. In order to prepare for this ministry he attended St Vladimir's Seminary in New York and was blessed to study under some eminent theologians including Frs Schmemann, Meyendorff and Hopko. While at a Saturday Night Vigil at the seminary he fell in love with and subsequently married Pres. Evanthia (nee Vali) in May 1978. Together they carried out basic preparatory mission work in Kenya at a time when the Orthodox Church was just beginning to emerge into the dynamic entity it is now. Their fondest memory from their time in Africa was the training of four catechists who were eventually ordained to the priesthood for the Kenyan Orthodox Church.
Back in North America, Fr. Stephen was ordained to the diaconate and sent back to Edmonton to assist in the establishment of the mission of St. Herman in the city. In 1980 he was ordained as priest and served it, and a number of rural parishes near Andrew, for nearly two decades. After his retirement, he and Evanthia started to attend St. Anthony's. In 2010 Fr. Stephen transferred into the UOCC with the blessing of Metropolitan John.
Protodeacon Anton and his wife Andrea were married on October 7, 2001, by Metropolitan Emeritus John, his Godfather Fr. Stephan Semotiuk and uncle Fr. Henry Lakusta. Over the years, Anton has worked in Edmonton Public Schools as a classroom teacher, Educational Consultant, Assistant Principal and currently in the position of Principal. As much as Fr. Protodeacon has enjoyed working in Education, he continued to experience a constant pull to the church and knew that this calling was something that he must answer. He entered into the Faculty of Theology at St. Andrew's College as a distance learner and would travel periodically to Winnipeg to attend weekend workshops and lectures. In 2009 by the blessing of the Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, Anton was to be ordained. On Sunday July 26, 2009, by the hand of His Grace Bishop Ilarion, Anton was ordained a deacon in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. Protodeacon Anton was originally assigned to St. John's Cathedral where he served for several years and gained a great deal of experience. In 2017 he was assigned to St. Anthony's, his childhood church.
Protodeacon Anton is also involved in youth programming at Camp Bar-v-nok Ukrainian Orthodox Youth camp where he has made it his passion to help develop programming that ignites a desire in our youth to live a strong and connected life in the church. As Director of Programming on the Camp Bar-v-nok Society board, he has been dedicated in his pursuit to help develop a place where our youth and greater community can live Orthodoxy. Deacon Anton is also an Advisor for Alberta Provincial CYMK - Ukrainian Orthodox Youth Executive Board.
As a young boy, Protodeacon Anton joined his father in the altar as an altar server and dreamed of the day when our faith community of St Anthony's would have its own house of worship. Today, with his wife Andrea and 3 sons, they feel blessed to be part of St. Anthony's community and look forward to many more years of spiritual growth.
Parish Deacon
Protodeacon Anton Lakusta
Bishop of Edmonton and Western Eparchy